Sewing and lifestyle blog of a wannabe "full-time vixen"

I sewed for hours today

So today I ended up sewing for 6.5 hours and worked mostly on my coat. I have sleeves now! And I also did the back portion with pleat but that’s not nearly as exciting to see. Cutting out wool on my little table was challenging and pinning/cutting out pieces always takes a while. Not really my favourite part of the sewing process but I don’t mind it.

This is fabric for two projects I will be starting in April as well. The bright blue fabric with white dots is for the shirt project I will have to do in class for this term. I bought it at Fabricland – Park Royal (which is much more pleasant to go to than the one on Marine Drive in Vancouver.)

I will be doing the style that is the dark blue one with contrasting white cuffs and collar.

This blue linen blend is for the Sewaholic Crescent Skirt sew-along.

I am participating in the Sewaholic Crescent Skirt sew-along and for those not in the know, a sew-along is when a group of people will get together either in person or online to sew the same project together. The idea is that a more experienced sewer will lead the group and do a step-by-step tutorial for sewing the garment from beginning to end. Sew-alongs are learning experiences! And fun. :D It’ll be my first one.

This is what the skirt looks like:

The blue linen above is much nicer in natural daylight – a very light soft blue that will look adorable with cream or white lace trimming which is my plan for the skirt. I am really in love with the colour blue for some reason right now….must be my internal yearnings for summer and nautical inspired fashion.

The blue linen was bought at Designer Fabric Liquidators a.k.a. Atex Fabrics. It’s sort of a strange little shop and it was the first time I’d been there even though it’s only a block away from Dressew. There are some nice finds to be found there and at discount prices! There’s not much selection but there were a few things that caught my eye. I’ll be back….hopefully it won’t close down! The man inside looked a little bit bored.

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